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Karen Kushel

A woman with curly brown hair smiles warmly at the camera.

Karen Kushel


Who I am as a teacher:

  • I truly believe the type of education ISM provides will inspire and guide kids throughout their school careers and lives. Having been here 20 years and having had all 3 of my children go from K to 8th grade, I’ve seen it in action with many of our graduates and my own kids.

  • I strive to appreciate all of the unique gifts our staff and students offer the community and learn from each of them.

  • I want our students to feel safe and listened to at ISM and to learn to communicate and solve conflicts with anyone they come in contact with.

  • I really feel like a smile goes a long way to making a connection, and laughter with others extends that even further

  • I love my family and the family I’ve chosen, known as my “pal-atives”.  

  • I love the ocean and walking on the beach with my dog, Ruby.  Binge-watching the TV shows my adult kids want to watch is another pleasure, more because I’m doing it with them than anything else. Reading is one of my treasured “getting away from it all” activities, and someday, traveling again will be a joy for me!