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ASI- Extra!

ISM offers programs for our students to expand their learning after the school day and during school breaks.  These programs are partly funded through Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) grant funds.  Please click here to review the 2022-2023 ELOP Plan approved by the Board of Trustees in March 2023.

During Spring and Summer breaks, ISM will offer an ISM Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) called ASI-Extra! This program aligns with the state expectations for ELOP funding as well as ISM’s Mission and Vision.  We provide a session during Spring Break, with two additional sessions in the summer.

The program is designed to build an exciting world of understanding for students through internationally minded activities and STEM projects that supplement the foundational skills and attributes of ISM's IB curriculum. Students are encouraged to participate in collaborative experiences to build their abilities in various contexts while increasing their academic and social skills.

The ASI-Extra! program is divided into two parts. There is a morning extra academic support session and an afternoon social enrichment session.


Extra Academic Support

Extra academic support is for students in Kindergarten through grade 8. Since a state-provided grant funds the program, the extra academic support part is offered by invitation only and in phases. Space is limited to 10 Kinder/ 20 Grade 1-2/ 20 Grade 3-5/ 20 Grade 6-8 students at this time, which means it is first come, first served.

  • Phase 1 is offered to all unduplicated students as part of the state-mandated requirement (Foster youth, English language learners, unstable housing, and income-eligible students). 
  • Phase 2 is offered to siblings of Phase 1 students and students in special education or student support (504 and SST plans). 
  • Phase 3 invitations, based on staff recommendations and assessment data, are offered to all other students until spaces are filled.  

Following this model eliminates access and equity barriers to the extra academic support part of the program per the requirements of the state grant.  Students in Phases 1 and 2 do not pay a fee for the extra academic support part of the program. Students in Phase 3 pay for the extra academic support part of the program, as noted in the fee chart below.

The grant requires a comprehensive program, including Academic Support, Enrichment Activities, and Nutrition opportunities, and to ensure that spots are filled by students who benefit from what is offered. Students are expected to attend every day during the break and stay until the end of the part(s) of the program in which they enrolled.

Once all spots have been filled by invited and referred students, a waitlist by grade level may be initiated.


ASI Social Enrichment

ASI Social Enrichment is for students in Kindergarten through grade 8. This part of the program is fee-based, with reduced rates available for income-eligible students, as noted in the fee chart below. Students are enrolled pending space availability. A waitlist may be generated, and families will be notified once space becomes available.


Sample Schedule

* Please note that students can choose to participate in one or both parts of the ASI-Extra! Program

-Students participating only in Extra Academic Support will  arrive by 8:00 and get picked up at 1:00 each day

-Students participating only in ASI Social Enrichment  will arrive at 12:00 and get picked up by  5:00



Extra Academic Support Part



8:00- 8:45 


9:00- 9:45 


10:00- 10:45 

10:45- 11:00 


11:45- 12:00 

12:00- 1:00


Drop-off and Breakfast

Academic Support- Language

Break- Brain Break

Academic Support- Math

Break- Snack

Enrichment Project- STEM

Break- Brain Break

Enrichment Project- Language

Break/ Clean up

Lunch and Recess



ASI Social Enrichment Part


12:00- 1:00

1:00- 1:45 

1:45- 2:00 

2:00- 2:45 

2:45- 3:00 

3:00- 3:45 

3:45- 4:00 

4:00- 4:45 

4:45- 5:00 


Lunch and Recess

Visual Art/ DIY Projects

Break- Brain Break

Performance/ Music/ Dance

Break- Brain Break


Break- Snack

Outdoor/ Garden/ Bird watching/ Spanish

Break/ Clean up


Sample Activities

  • Academic Support- Personalized instruction through the iReady Learning Platform 
  • Enrichment Projects- K-2 Animal Science around the world, 3-5 Forensic Science, 6-8 Physics style science, Podcasting
  • Visual Art- Art projects, exploration with the Arts Council of Monterey, etc.
  • Performing Art- Reader’s Theater, Just Dance, etc.
  • PE- Spark Fun! Games and interactive outdoor activities, etc.
  • Outdoor- Gardening, bird-watching activities, etc.


Fee Schedules

Extra Academic Support per week

Full Price Rate

Income Eligible Rate

Invited Phase 1



Invited Phase 2



Invited Phase 3




ASI Social Enrichment per week

Full Price Rate

Income Eligible Rate

Invited Phase 1



Invited Phase 2



Invited Phase 3



Open enrollment




Extra Academic Support AND 

ASI Social Enrichment per week

Full Price Rate

Income Eligible Rate

Invited Phase 1



Invited Phase 2



Invited Phase 3



Open enrollment




If you have ASI-Extra! questions, please contact the Head of School at