We are dedicated to putting students first, ensuring their academic and personal growth is at the forefront of all our efforts. By empowering our community with the resources, information, and support they need, we create an environment where every family can effectively contribute to student success. Our 1 Night, 1 Community initiative aims to gather our community together once a month to build community and provide time for families to participate in various meetings to help develop our school environment together. We believe that by fostering a community of passionate families and engaged learners, we can prepare our students for bright futures and equip them with the skills necessary to be conscientious, compassionate, and responsible citizens of the world.
Event Details
ISM provides food and childcare every third Thursday of the month, allowing families to gather to make connections and share knowledge.
From 5:30- 6:00, staff, families, and students gather to share a meal and connect to strengthen our community. The school promotes local ISM businesses whenever possible to showcase our diverse families.
From 6:00- 7:00, ISM provides childcare so students can connect across families and grades. Families are encouraged to attend various meetings to promote collaborative participation in building our school environment. Meetings include Parent Advisory Committee (PAC), English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC), Parent University (PU), and more!
The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is a group of families, staff, and administration who discuss and brainstorm ideas for strategically improving our school community. Parent feedback informs funding and programmatic decisions for current and upcoming school years. Information is shared annually with the Strategic Advisory Team and incorporated into the school's annual LCAP (strategic) plan.
If you want to participate in the PAC, please attend any 1 Night, 1 Community event and share your ideas! The group is open to enrollment throughout the year. Please contact the Head of School if you have any questions about the PAC.
Below are the various presentations from the meetings throughout the current school year.
The English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) is a group of families, staff, and administration who discuss and brainstorm ideas for strategically improving our support of our students with additional languages. Committee feedback informs funding and programmatic decisions for current and upcoming school years. Information is shared annually with the Strategic Advisory Team and incorporated into the school's annual LCAP (strategic) plan.
If you want to participate in the ELAC, please attend any 1 Night, 1 Community event and share your ideas! The group is open to enrollment throughout the year. Please contact the Co-Principal if you have any questions about the ELAC.
Below are the various dates and meeting minutes from the meetings throughout the current school year:
Meeting 1 Minutes – October 17, 2024
Meeting 2 Minutes – November 21, 2024
Meeting 3 – January 16, 2025
Meeting 4 – April 17, 2025
2024-2025 ELAC Leadership
Cinthia Corres, Chair
Ryan Mullen, Administrator Representative
Sheila Torres Monroy, Vice-Chair
Roberta Freeman, Secretary
Parent University ( PU) is typically a presentation from a staff member or visiting community who provides relevant information for parents to build a strong home-school connection in our school community. Parent feedback informs topic selections for current and upcoming school years. Information is shared annually with the Strategic Advisory Team and incorporated into the school's annual LCAP (strategic) plan.
If you want to participate in the PU, please attend any 1 Night, 1 Community event and join in! The group is open to enrollment throughout the year. Please contact the Head of School if you have any questions about PU.
Below are the various presentations from the meetings throughout the current school year.