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"House" System

"House" System at ISM

Students Working TogetherRed House



The house system at ISM groups students and all staff into smaller communities or family units within the larger school population. Each house is named after a color and students remain in the same house throughout their time at ISM. The house system aims to establish the following:

  1. Sense of Belonging: The house system fosters a sense of belonging and identity among students and staff. By being part of a smaller group within the school, students develop stronger connections with their peers and teachers, creating a supportive and inclusive environment.

  2. Promotion of Leadership Skills: Houses have 8th grade leaders who are responsible for organizing activities, leading initiatives, and representing their house. This provides students with opportunities to develop leadership skills, teamwork, and collaboration.

  3. Healthy Competition: The house system incorporates friendly competitions and events, such as sports tournaments, academic challenges, or community service projects. This healthy competition encourages students to excel academically, athletically, and socially while promoting good sportsmanship and teamwork.

  4. Mentorship and Support: Older students within each house often mentor younger students, providing guidance, support, and role modeling. This mentorship fosters positive relationships between students of different ages and promotes a culture of peer support and academic success.

  5. Recognition and Rewards: ISM Houses have systems in place to recognize and reward students for their achievements and contributions. This can include awards for academic excellence, leadership, community service, or positive behavior, reinforcing positive values and encouraging students to strive for excellence.

  6. Cross-Grade Interaction: The house system encourages interaction and collaboration between students of different ages and grade levels. Younger students benefit from the guidance and support of older peers, while older students develop empathy, responsibility, and leadership skills by interacting with younger students.

  7. School Spirit and Tradition: Houses often develop their own unique traditions, rituals, and symbols, which contribute to the overall school spirit and identity. These traditions may include annual events, ceremonies, or competitions that become cherished aspects of the school culture.

  8. Parental Involvement: The house system can also extend to involve parents, who may participate in house events, volunteer as mentors or supporters, or contribute to house activities. This strengthens the school community and fosters positive relationships between parents, students, and teachers.

Overall, the house system at ISM offers numerous benefits for students, including a sense of belonging, leadership opportunities, healthy competition, mentorship, recognition, cross-grade interaction, school spirit, and parental involvement. By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, the house system contributes to the holistic development and academic success of students.


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