The ISM Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) organization with
EIN #74-3062542.
Donations are tax-deductible
as allowed by law.
Direct attention and effort towards generating funding to support the International School of Monterey.
Chair, Open
Vice Chair, Open
Treasurer, Whitney Ernest
Secretary, Jennifer Gonzalez
Director, Kate Mitchell Mehle (ISM Board of Trustees representative)
The ISM Foundation invites all members of the ISM community to participate in its fundraising efforts for the good of the school. Volunteer involvement may include attending meetings to share ideas, supporting fundraising campaigns and events, serving as a "classroom champion" to spearhead grade-level giving, and more. Financial participation may include your own Annual Campaign contributions and asking your extended family and friends to contribute to the Foundation so the school has the funds needed to do as much as possible for students. Gifts can be made in two ways: by credit card online; by check which can be dropped in the locked black ISM Foundation contributions box behind the main desk in the ISM front office at 1720 Yosemite Street, Seaside, CA, 93955.
The ISM Foundation typically holds monthly meetings on the last Friday of each month, with adjustments for school holidays, vacations, and events. Please check the ISM comprehensive calendar for specific dates and meeting sites.
Contact Scott Hirschfield, Foundation Liaison, by email or in person on campus.
The ISM Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) organization with EIN #74-3062542.
Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.