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Student Profile


Grade 4 and Kinder students working together


Grade 7 students working in visual arts class


Students in Grades 3-5 enjoying recess


Students in Grades 3-5 enjoying recess


Students in Grades 3-5 enjoying recess


Students in Grade 4 and Kindergarten working together

Student Profile

It is impossible to describe the average ISM student, because the student body is diverse in every imaginable way. We consider this one of our school's greatest strengths. To leverage the power of our diversity, we work to honor the cultural context of each family and student, value differences among students as assets that enrich the learning exchange in every classroom, and respect and teach each unique student as a special individual.

Number of Students

Total: 440

By grade level: 40 kindergarten; 40 1st grade; 48 2nd grade; 48 3rd grade; 52 4th grade; 52 5th grade; 52 6th grade; 52 7th grade; 52 8th grade

By gender: 53% female; 47% male

By city of residence: 46% Seaside; 28% Marina; 14% Monterey; 2% Del Rey Oaks; 10% other

Parent/Guardian Education Level

32% have parents with advanced degrees; 40% have no parent with a college degree


About 28% qualify for free or reduced price lunch


19 different primary languages spoken at home; many more secondary

30% with English Learner status (EL, RFEP,  or IFEP)


28% report two or more races

22% report Asian lineage including Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Vietnamese, and other Asian

14% report Filipino descent

6% report Pacific Islander heritage including Hawaiian, Guamanian, Samoan, and other Pacific Islander

36% identify as Hispanic including 25% descendants of the indigenous peoples of the Americas

17% report African American or black heritage

27% identify as not Hispanic, white only

Learning Styles & Abilities

Students display a full range of learning styles and abilities

13% with an IEP (Individualized Education Program), 504 Plan (disability), or SST (Student Support Plan)